The medium of instruction is English but a very special emphasis is given to Kannada the mother tongue and Hindi the national language. The complete curriculum consists of English, Kannada, Hindi, history, Geography, social studies, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Training, Computer Application, Commercial Studies, Fine Arts.

         The School lays a great deal of stress on character formation and development of religious and ethical values which are imparted regularly  to students  through the teaching of moral Science. The social service league {SSL]  actively encourages the students to help generating the spirit of “Service  to humankind”.


Play Ground, R O Drinking Water Facility, Large Library, Well Equipped Science Labs, Separate Wash Rooms and Toilets For Boys and Girls, Computer Lab, Fire Safety, Flower Garden, Basket Ball Court, Compound Wall, School Vans and Buses, Sports Items, CCTV Cameras, Smart Boards, Audio Visuals, Website Etc..